
Accessing Z1 Global TrustPoint via LDAP Interface

You can configure your email application to find X.509 certificates and PGP keys on Z1 Global TrustPoint via LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol).

Use the following settings to configure an LDAP search directory in your email application. For specific instructions, refer to the documentation of your email application.

Server Name

This is the address of the LDAP server from which the X.509 certificates and PGP keys are queried.

Search Base
  • For X.509 certificates: dc=globaltrustpoint,dc=com
  • For PGP keys, use: o=PGP Keys

The search base setting determines the area of the LDAP directory that is searched.

  • Port 389 for standard LDAP communication.
  • Port 636 for encrypted communication (LDAPS). This is recommended for additional security.

Configure your firewall accordingly.

  • userCertificate;binary when searching for X.509 certificates.
  • pgpKey when searching for PGP keys.

These fields determine what types of certificates or keys your search should return.

Note: Access via LDAP may be restricted.Please view the Terms Of Use for detailed information.